“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

Our Objective
The Pinnacle Study Group Inc. was formed in 1995 for the purpose of bringing together some of the top business and personal financial planners from across the country to share their individual expertise. Carefully selected guests are invited to speak before our premier national study group at our summer and winter meetings. Every meeting is evaluated as to content and benefit to the group and input is given to the host of the next meeting. As a result, each member has benefited both in personal and professional development, with the ultimate benefit to the community and clients they serve.
The Pinnacle Study Group Inc. was formed in 1995 for the purpose of bringing together some of the top business and personal financial planners from across the country to share their individual expertise. Carefully selected guests are invited to speak before our premier national study group at our summer and winter meetings. Every meeting is evaluated as to content and benefit to the group and input is given to the host of the next meeting. As a result, each member has benefited both in personal and professional development, with the ultimate benefit to the community and clients they serve.

Mission Statement
The Pinnacle Study Group Inc. binds creative, innovative, hard working and growing insurance/financial service professionals together for brief productive meetings. The purpose is to provide mutual support and growth in an educational context where we can broaden our perspective of our industry and careers. This will be done by exchanging technology and sales ideas along with motivational and planning techniques. Sharing a broad diversity of resources, perspectives and backgrounds provides expansion of our minds and lives through a mutual relationship.
The Pinnacle Study Group Inc. binds creative, innovative, hard working and growing insurance/financial service professionals together for brief productive meetings. The purpose is to provide mutual support and growth in an educational context where we can broaden our perspective of our industry and careers. This will be done by exchanging technology and sales ideas along with motivational and planning techniques. Sharing a broad diversity of resources, perspectives and backgrounds provides expansion of our minds and lives through a mutual relationship.