The Pinnacle Group Guidelines
- Regular number of members: maximum 18, minimum 10. (excluding emeritus members)
- There is a minimum revenue/production requirement for membership.
New qualifying members are provisional for the first year.
- Prefer no more than two from the same agency/practice. (one is preferred)
- Number of meetings per year is two. Host has discretion but the standard format has been to begin the meeting on Thursday and conclude on Saturday. Attendance at all meetings is expected and members should schedule around meetings when planning their annual calendars.
- Meetings will rotate among member locations. The member who hosts the meeting prepares the agenda and sends it to the other members two calendar months prior to meeting. Members are expected to submit subject suggestions to the host of the next meeting, after the current meeting has ended.
- Host handles all program details. All meeting costs are shared equally by all members; including any who do not attend. Host does not share in presentation responsibility.
- Members are expected to make presentations on subject matter that they think other members will benefit from.
- Admissions to the group and expulsions must be approved by a super majority of 80 percent.
- Withdrawal from group requires written notice two months prior to next scheduled meeting, sent to scheduled host (otherwise, meeting dues are owed). Admission is by invitation and proposed member gives a presentation at his/her first two meetings.
- What is shared is private to the group…open presentations are expected.
- Members must stay at Hotel of host’s choice.
- Communications among members between meetings on important topics is expected. E-mails are the preferred method of communications.
- Any change in our guidelines must be approved by 2/3 of members present at a meeting; failure to meet the 2/3 approval, means the item would be rejected.